Ty Lastname recently won the First Annual Fezmas Cheer Community Outreach Program Event Competition (FAFCCOPEC for short). During the Fez Christmas show at the Spice Rack, famous Fez bass player Max revealed the opportunity to onlookers.

"Look under your shoe and if there's a red piece of gum, then you just won the chance to play drums with Fez tonight," shouted Max.

Looking under his shoe, Ty screamed with delight when he found the aforementioned scarlet chewing gum under his new pair of Adidas kicks. He rushed the stage with delightment and put on the performance of a lifetime.

Fez played songs by all the Christmas greats like Elvis, Elvis, and Elvis. Fez then donated all the proceeds from the show to The Human Fund, a non-profit that provides money for people.

Everyone please congratulate Ty on this monumental achievement!